Wel­come at KTP

For almost 40 years, Kunststofftechnik Paderborn (KTP) has stood for successful research and development of processing methods in the field of plastics and rubber. In our practical and theoretical work we deal, for example, with extrusion, injection molding and welding or bonding of plastics. Similarly, a wide range of material testing is carried out in our laboratories.

In addition to our extensive teaching activities at the University of Paderborn, we support industry with a wide range of services. Furthermore, the KTP develops application-oriented simulation tools in the form of programmed software tools for all areas of the plastics industry.

Chair of the Department

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elmar Moritzer

Plastics Technology

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner

Plastics Processing

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Dr.-Ing. Florian Brüning

Plastics Technology and Plastics Processing

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Anja Eberling

Plastics Technology and Plastics Processing
Room P1.5.11.2
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn

+49 5251 60-2451 Send E-Mail Directions


The KTP currently employs
25 academic staff
8 technical staff
3 administrative staff
and around 45 students


to the contacts



KTP bei der Pol­com 2022

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ChemieLK vom Pel­iz­a­eus­Gym­nas­i­um bekom­mt Ein­blicke in die Kun­st­stoff­tech­nik Pader­born

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Pro­mo­tion von Max Bi­alaschik

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Pro­jekt­sem­in­ar „Pro­jek­tier­ung von Ex­tru­sion­san­la­gen“

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Die Kun­st­stoff­tech­nik Pader­born auf der Form­next 2022

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Be­such der KMesse in Düs­sel­dorf 2022

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XIII. Ehem­a­li­gen­tref­fen 2022

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Führung­swech­sel in der KTP gGmbH und neuer Oberin­genieur am KTP Lehr­stuhl

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Kun­st­stoff­tech­nik­er aus Pader­born beim 2. In­ter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um on Plastics Tech­no­logy in Aachen

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Sol­id Free­form Fab­ric­a­tion Sym­posi­um (SFF) in Aus­tin, Texas

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Kun­st­stoff­tech­nik­er aus Pader­born bei der 75th IIW An­nu­al As­senbly & In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence in Tokio, Ja­pan

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Mit­gliederver­sammlung des Ver­eins zur För­der­ung der Kun­st­stoff­tech­no­lo­gie e.V. 2022

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Neuer In­ter­net­auftritt ktp-soft­ware.de gelauncht

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SIGMA User meet­ing

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The KTP at Form­next 2021

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Re­search Top­ics


The plastics processing method of extrusion is represented in different versions at KTP. The KTP has access to an extensive range of machinery consisting of a portfolio of different extruders and downstream equipment from numerous manufacturers.

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The plastics processing method of compounding is represented in various designs at KTP. We have access to an extensive range of machinery consisting of a portfolio of various co-rotating twin-screw extruders and downstream equipment from numerous manufacturers.

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Additive manufacturing

Together with other chairs in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kunststofftechnik Paderborn is an integral part of the Direct Manufacturing Research Centre (DMRC). The DMRC focuses on additive manufacturing processes that are used for the production of components, known as direct manufacturing, and have a significant future.

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Injection moulding

Kunststofftechnik Paderborn has been involved in injection moulding, which alongside extrusion is the most widely used plastics processing method, since its foundation. In addition to the conventional 1-component injection moulding process, the special injection moulding processes 2-component composite injection moulding, sandwich injection moulding

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Joining of plastics

The welding of plastics is an integral part of Kunststofftechnik Paderborn. In our own joining laboratory, we deal with a wide variety of problems in the field of established welding processes, such as hot plate, vibration and laser welding, as well as special processes such as microwave or high-frequency welding.

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Rows of seats filled with students in the Auditorium maximum of Paderborn University.

Teaching in Plastics Technology

The courses from the Department of Polymer Engineering can be taken at Paderborn University in the engineering degree programs. For detailed information, please select summer/winter semester.

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Summer Semester

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Winter Semester

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Job Opportunities

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Kunststofftechnik Paderborn offers you an extensive range of different tests in the field of testing technology to assess material behavior under practical conditions. Depending on the issue at hand, the KTP supports you with testing methods in the fields of optics, rheology, thermal behavior and mechanical behavior. Advice on process and screw design and our own software are also part of our range of services.

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Screw Design

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Technical advice and small projects

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